10 foods you can't eat before and after your workout

To maximize the benefits of training, you need to know what foods you should exclude from your diet before and after training. Before trainingDuring intense sports, blood actively rushes to the muscles. Other organs, on the contrary, receive less blood. Accordingly, the work of the digestive system slows down. Therefore, you need to take care not to overload the stomach with heavy food, so as not to overload it. foods that should be excluded from your pre-workout diet: Beans. Despite the fact that beans are rich in protein, they do not speed up the digestive process, but slow it down. In addition, beans contribute to the formation of gases and bloating. In training, this will cause discomfort.Broccoli, cauliflower, just like beans, leads to bloating. Milk is contraindicated for those who are lactose intolerant. There may be pain in the stomach due to spasms.Spicy food. During training, what happens is pressure on the stomach. As a result, heartburn may occur. Salads. As you know, salt retains moisture and during a hot shower tastes worse than fresh. Olive oil is nothing but a fancy name for sesame oil, so sesame is better left for later. Spicy food, as a snack, may cause a reaction in those who overindulge in sweets. After your workoutAfter training, the stomach may be slightly deflated, resulting in a smaller volume of food. Spicy food, as a snack, does not provoke a reaction in those who overeat. After training, it is better to take a break before eating again. It is better not to delay meals so that the body can recover. It is better to start your day with a full stomach, and then conduct your activities. These rules will help you perfectly regulate your food intake during your workout. Enjoy your workout as much as possible and in as much time as possible. The best is yet to come.